Protect Expertise Before Experts Leave Your Team

What Would Happen to Your Company If Your Best Analysts Were Hit by a Truck?

CrossCompute works with your team to convert institutional knowledge into tools that can be shared across departments. Even when key personnel disappear, CrossCompute ensures that tools and the knowledge embedded in them remain accessible, so that your operations can continue.

We help analysts publish forms, dashboards, maps, reports and tools faster using our products. We help companies replace PDF forms, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets with web-based forms. If your company does not have existing forms, spreadsheets or scripts coded by programmer analysts or data scientists, then our solution is not the right fit for you.

Concerned About Data Security?

Our open source packages provide basic options for restricting access to your tools. For greater control over who can access your tools, including subscription management, we recommend our dedicated servers. CrossCompute Analytics Automation Platform Dedicated Servers are available for $13k per year per subdomain.

Are You Ready to Future Proof Your Analytics?

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